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Writer's picture: Angela MorganAngela Morgan

A few years ago, God gave me a series of dreams.

  In the first dream, I was walking with Jesus through a field of wheat.  The field went as far as the eye could see, to the north, east and south. ( To the west of me is my tree house at my Secret Place)* As we walked, the LORD told me that every head of wheat represented an unsaved soul.  😢

Can you picture that?

One dream had me standing in my tree house looking down at the massive field of wheat.  I was grieved and began to pray that each head of wheat would encounter the love of the Father.  As I prayed, I saw movement within the field.  From my vantage point, I could see a pack of hideous black wolves running through the field.  Their massive jaws were snapping and trampling the wheat.

“LORD!  There’s wolves in the field!” I cried out and immediately awoke from the dream.  As I laid there, almost hyperventilating, over that scene and what I perceived to be the enemy ravishing and destroying God’s children, I remembered the scripture that tells us God does not want anyone to perish.  I thank You, LORD, for Your unending love and mercy for ALL.

For weeks, the field of wheat consumes my thoughts and prayers.  One morning, as I drink my coffee and spend some quiet moments with the LORD, I begin to sketch out the view from behind the tree at my Secret Place.*  I imagine steps that lead down to the wheat field.  As I begin to add individual stroke marks to represent the wheat, I hear the LORD whisper “Each head of wheat represents one soul SAVED.”

I gasp and in my excitement I declare “LORD, I am going to fill this page with wheat!”

Take heart and be encouraged, my friend!  God would have NOT ONE to perish!  Our Abba Father loves His creation.  God really is LOVE!

As I grow older and more mature in my walk with the LORD, I have discovered that I have over-complicated who God is.  He is FOR me, not AGAINST me.

For way too many years, I stubbornly held on to hurts and spiritual wounds and built up some pretty thick walls in an attempt to protect my heart from further injury.  And all along He was right there, beside me, ready for me to hand all of that “icky” over to Him.  And that, my friend, is when room was made for MORE of His love. And that love is what filled the emptiness of my soul and completely healed the scars that were left behind.

Do you have some “ickies” too?   I would encourage you to carve out some quiet time and invite Him in to expose the hidden hurts as well as those that are on the surface of your heart and soul.  He is ready to love on you.

The harvest is coming. Millions will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Millions will experience the truth of how much they are loved by the LORD….yep, He loves us, warts and all. And when that harvest comes, there will be major healings of “ickies” that have kept His creation from truly experiencing His love.

And the one that you have been praying for will be included, as well.

Keep praying for the harvest.  I’m so excited at the possibilities!


Seek His Goodness

“This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with his promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather, his “delay” simply reveals his loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.”

‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

*See below for a link to the post where I describe my Secret Place.

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