Sugar and Spice
and everything nice!
That's what little girls are made of.....
One day, this old nursery rhyme* kept running through my head over and over. My mind was on how we girls are sometimes put in a box and told to act a certain way "BECAUSE YOUR'E A GIRL!" The world may cubbyhole us but the Lord allows us to explore and find who we are in Him. And in him, I. AM. A. WARRIOR.
So permit me to add a few lines to this cute little nursery rhyme.
Sugar and spice
and everything nice
that's what little girls are made of.
But make no mistake
she knows how to fight!
She wields her sword
that's backed by God might!
And when she is done,
she will straighten her crown.
And give thanks to the Lord
who NEVER lets her down!
Let teach our daughters (and sons, too!) how to wield their faith as a sword. There is POWER in the name of Jesus!
*The author of this nursery rhyme is unknown but may have been English poet, Robert Southey c.1820
